At-Home Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one way that we maintain ourselves publicly in the 21st century. It’s no longer categorized with the more supplementary actions of highlights and/or spray tans, but instead, exists as a totally unisex practice that looks much more like normal self-care.
The desire to have nice, white teeth needs no real explanation: They’re one of the first (and most noticeable) things people see while they make their 20-second first impression of you. If you plan to speak, there’s no hiding them; less-than-perfect teeth can be interpreted as a lack of dedication to oral care or habits like heavy smoking. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, smiling and laughing are expressions of joy most of the time, and they’re the knee-jerk reactions you really want to be able to enjoy without insecurity or second thought.

But why don’t we all just have the pros do it for us? Professional teeth whitening is expensive and for many inaccessible. Plus, teeth whitening is something we do many, many times in our lives for a reason. You’re probably going to be «good» for a few weeks before forgetting to use the right toothpaste or until your habits of drinking coffee or red wine or smoking catch up to you.